Basic Network Troubleshoot Commands for everyone.

Networks are an essential part of our daily lives, both at home and in the workplace. Whether it’s for work, entertainment, or communication, we rely on networks to keep us connected. Unfortunately, network issues can arise from time to time and disrupt our daily activities. But, fear not! There are several tools available to help diagnose and resolve network problems. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing four powerful network troubleshooting commands.


3/19/20234 min read

blue UTP cord
blue UTP cord
Networks are an essential part of our daily lives, both at home and in the workplace. Whether it’s for work, entertainment, or communication, we rely on networks to keep us connected. Unfortunately, network issues can arise from time to time and disrupt our daily activities. But, fear not! There are several tools available to help diagnose and resolve network problems. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing four powerful network troubleshooting commands.

IPconfig is a command-line tool used to configure and manage network settings on Windows computers. It allows users to view and modify various network parameters such as IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.

To access IPconfig, open the Command Prompt and type in ‘ipconfig’ followed by various options. Here are a few commonly used options:

  • ipconfig /all: This command displays detailed information about all network adapters, including IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS server information.

  • ipconfig /release: This command releases the current DHCP-assigned IP address for the specified adapter.

  • ipconfig /renew: This command renews the DHCP-assigned IP address for the specified adapter.

  • ipconfig /flushdns: This command flushes the DNS resolver cache and reloads the contents from the Hosts file.

  • ipconfig /registerdns: This command re-registers the DNS names and IP addresses for the adapter specified.

Ping is a command-line tool that is used to test the connectivity between a computer and a network device. It sends an ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) echo request packet to a specified host and waits for an ICMP echo reply.

To use ping, open the Command Prompt and type in ‘ping’ followed by the target IP address or hostname. Here are a few commonly used options:

  • ping -t: This option sends continuous ping requests to the target host until stopped by the user (Ctrl-C)

  • ping -a: This option resolves the hostname of the target IP address and can be used to verify the DNS configuration.

  • ping -n count: This option allows you to specify the number of echo request packets to send.

  • ping -l size: This option allows you to specify the size of the echo request packet in bytes.

  • ping -w timeout: This option allows you to specify the time (in milliseconds) to wait for a reply before it times out.

“Tracert (short for “trace route”) is a command-line tool that is used to display the path that a packet takes to reach a network destination. It sends ICMP echo request packets to the target host with varying Time-to-Live (TTL) values, and displays the IP addresses of the routers that the packet passes through on its way to the destination.

Tracert (short for “trace route”) is a command-line tool that is used to display the path that a packet takes to reach a network destination. It sends ICMP echo request packets to the target host with varying Time-to-Live (TTL) values and displays the IP addresses of the routers that the packet passes through on its way to the destination

To use tracert, open the Command Prompt and type in ‘tracert’ followed by the target IP address or hostname. Here are a few commonly used options:

  • tracert -d : This option prevents tracert from resolving IP addresses to hostnames, which can speed up the process.

  • tracert -h max_hops : This option allows you to specify the maximum number of hops that a packet can take before the tracert command stops.

  • tracert -j host-list : This option allows you to specify a loose source route along host-list.

  • tracert -w timeout: This option allows you to specify the time (in milliseconds) to wait for a reply before it times out.

  • tracert -R: This option uses ICMPv6 echo request packets to trace the route to the destination.

“Netstat is a command-line tool that is used to display network statistics and information. It can be used to show active network connections, routing tables, and a variety of other network-related information

“Netstat is a command-line tool that is used to display network statistics and information. It can be used to show active network connections, routing tables, and a variety of other network-related information.

To use netstat, open the Command Prompt and type in ‘netstat’ followed by various options. Here are a few commonly used options:

  • netstat -a: This option displays all active TCP connections and the status of the ports.

  • netstat -e: This option displays detailed statistics of the Ethernet interface.

  • netstat -n: This option displays all active TCP connections and the status of the ports, but with IP addresses instead of hostnames.

  • netstat -r: This option displays the routing table.

  • netstat -s: This option displays statistics by protocol.

  • netstat -p protocol: This option allows you to filter the output by a specific protocol, such as TCP or UDP

“Nslookup is a command-line tool that is used to query DNS servers for information about a hostname or IP address. It can be used to troubleshoot DNS-related issues and to verify the DNS configuration of a computer.

To use nslookup, open the Command Prompt and type in ‘nslookup’ followed by various options. Here are a few commonly used options:

  • nslookup domain: This option allows you to query the DNS server for information about a specific domain.

  • nslookup -query=type domain: This option allows you to specify the type of DNS record to query for, such as A (IPv4 address), MX (Mail exchange), or TXT (Text).

  • nslookup -type=all domain: This option allows you to query the DNS server for all types of records for a specific domain.

  • nslookup -debug: This option enables debugging mode, which displays detailed information about the DNS query and response.

The ‘net’ command is a command-line tool that is built into Windows operating systems and it provides various options for managing network resources and services. Here are a few commonly used ‘net’ commands:

  • netstat: Displays active network connections, routing tables, and a variety of other network-related information.

  • netstat -a: Displays all active TCP connections and the status of the ports.

  • net start: Displays a list of currently running services and the ability to start or stop a service.

  • net stop: Stops a running service.

  • net use: Displays a list of current connections to shared resources and allows you to connect or disconnect a shared resource.

  • net user: Allows you to manage user accounts on a computer or domain.

  • net localgroup: Allows you to manage local groups on a computer.

  • net share: Allows you to manage shared resources on a computer.

  • net view: Allows you to view a list of computers in a network.